Monday 3 February 2014

Jeffrey Boucher search resumes with underwater robot as police probe Lake Ontario

HO-Durham Regional Police Service / The Canadian Press
HO-Durham Regional Police Service / The Canadian Press
Durham Regional Police will continue searching Lake Ontario on Monday morning for Jeffrey Boucher, a 52-year-old high school teacher who has been missing for the past three weeks.
Police are exploring the waterfront area in Whitby, Ont. with the help of an underwater robot from the Toronto Police Marine Unit.
The search was previously called off on Jan. 24 due to “high winds and unsafe ground conditions."
Boucher was reported missing on Jan. 13 after it is believed he went out for a morning run and didn’t return home.
Police are using an underwater robot with camera capabilities, tethered to officers on land while it searches off the Whitby Pier on Water Street.
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The Remote Operated Vehicle has sonar and video capabilities, allowing divers to scour the bottom of the lake from land. The ROV also has a mechanical arm, able to retrieve objects underwater.
The machine can reach depths of 150 metres.
Police say there have been no new developments in the case and Monday’s search is a routine operation to explore all investigative options, and cautioned the search is weather-dependent.
With files from the Canadian Press

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